Life long learning! Explore a new hobby, meet new friends, enrich your life.
Club Care
StormHawks Preschool and Wrap Around Care
Summer Care Programs Pre-K through 8th Grade
DASH Sports Summer Triple Sport Camps includes fun skills training and games in various sports that may include: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Flag Football and Phys. Ed Games. Key sports skills will be taught and practiced in all sports so athletes will come out of camp with a great understanding of key skill components and gameplay of each sport. Camps end with games/scrimmages the final day for each sport, where athletes can showcase their skills. Campers should wear athletic clothing/shoes and sunscreen. Bring a refillable water bottle and a snack for the 3 hour daily camps, bring two snacks and a lunch for the full day camps. This is a great camp that produces well rounded athletes. Balls and other equipment are provided.
DASH Sports