Life long learning! Explore a new hobby, meet new friends, enrich your life.
Club Care
StormHawks Preschool and Wrap Around Care
Summer Care Programs Pre-K through 8th Grade
All behavioral changes must occur at an unconscious level to be lasting. The experience is relaxing, and you are fully aware, conscious and in control at all times. Weight Control: Stop your cravings for sweets, salty and greasy foods. Get motivated to exercise! Stop smoking: If you have a desire to quit, hypnosis can help immediately without withdrawal, cravings or gaining weight. You may bring a pillow, blanket, or sleeping bag for added comfort or stay sitting. Wear comfortable layered clothing to adjust to room temperature. Fee includes reinforcement CD and a lifetime membership for free future classes if reinforcement is desired. Introduction for both sections begins at 6 pm, weight loss section follows while smokers take a break off school grounds for that last cigarette, then reconvene for smoking cessation section. For more information visit Check-in starts at 5:45 pm.
Dr. Fischer holds 6 certifications in hypnosis. 33 years experience teaching hypnosis classes in over 75 schools and major companies.
Mary F Fischer