Life long learning! Explore a new hobby, meet new friends, enrich your life.
Club Care
StormHawks Preschool and Wrap Around Care
Summer Care Programs Pre-K through 8th Grade
Clinics are designed for skill improvement and are aimed at players who will work hard and want to get better. There will be a focus on the fundamental skills of ball handling, passing, footwork and shooting. We will emphasize skills needed to succeed as a Chanhassen High School player such as setting/using screens, finishing at the rim, spacing and our motion offense concepts. Along with skill work we will play competitive games of 1 on 1, 3 on 3 and 5 on 5. Choose to attend all summer long or pick to attend the months of June or July based on your summer plans!
Corey James Christopherson
No Class Jun 19, Jul 1-Jul 3 & Jul 8-Jul 10